Thursday, August 19, 2004

I was a big Metallica fan growing up. When they sold out I was confused at first, but then as I became more involved in Truth, I understood better.

Metallica lyrics betray the righteous heart of the noble warrior/hero and exalt the blind, stupid and snake-like strength of the devil.

Very clever way of disarming the righteous by imitating true strength and claiming to expose injustice, attacking the heart of all that is good and noble about man and if snared, eating, ingesting, and stealing what remains of him...Ravenous.

Turn it around with the true strength of Abel, who would stoop to raise/help Cain stand and regain his proper strength and abilities, so that he no longer has to live the life of a jealous snake or cowardly thief.

Can't be done through violence or cunning, of which I believe it is not in Abel's nature to be, but must be done with an open hand, at a heart level, piercing the armor of the dragon within Cain's heart with the golden arrow of the child-warrior soon to become man and king with kings of the King of kings. Making Cain and Abel equal and knowable.

For up until now, we really don't know Cain, or Edom, or Aaron or whomever could not be known as victims of being raised in someone else's shadow...who reacted as any child might and made matters worse by cursing the Holy Spirit. It is because Cain rejected His Maker that he became what he is not and found a reason to exist in that realm that has become as pathologically impossible to escape as the original sin/crime he committed. By allowing Cain to live and even reward him with an inheritance the Lord showed how much mercy is in Him and Cain found it to be a curse the way he accepted it or rejected it and that is the reason Cain cannot be. It is no longer a situation of being raised in someone's shadow or being compared to another but simply Cain's own insistence that he has not been treated fairly. He never gave his whole heart to God and never gave it to himself either.

He's found solace in who he is not and no one will recognize a soul that is not, only run from it, or become like it, equally perverse. For Cain finds much glory and acceptance in his fallen state, but it isn't for who Cain really is, and that must be worse than his original rejection, though he glroy ibn it nonetheless.

Thus he became "Saint Anger." Who lashes out at Abel because Abel too is capable of sin. Everytime Abel crosses the line, Cain is there waitingto say "Aha! See? he's no better than I. I am right."

But it remains Cain who is incapable or unwilling to be innocent.

I remain completely convinced that an innocent Cain is one of the most beautiful creations ever imagined by the Holy Creator, else there would not be such resistance in comparison and wrath in being denied. God knows Cain is capable of so much more than Cain is willing to give. Thus we see that while God says he hated Esau, he really must have loved him but that Esau's disobedience worked so much havoc that he must "hate"/reject him. Not to mention God often finds use for Cain's disobedience which Cain is quick to claim glory for but it still remains nothing that Cain actually is.


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