The "Prophet" Joseph Smith.
The Final Analysis
Joseph Smith was not and is not and shall never be a "prophet."
The very notion is one of the biggest errors of the LDS Church.
What Joseph Smith was a witness, translator and erring servant of Jesus Christ.
Mat 24:23-25 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here [is] Christ, or there; believe [it] not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before.
Perhaps Joseph Smith got his hands on some latter-day writings of Christ and mixed this with the Scriptures delivered to him by the angel "Moroni," and using his own mystical gifts and revelations of a group of "seers," wrought the Book of Mormon. The Prophets in the Book of Mormon were true and it does contain the fullness of the Gospel, but the LDS Church is not true, which is sad because they certainly can be if they choose to admit many errors and false dealings...That would make them men of God.
I don't really need to point out the Church's many errors but just as a case in point they make statues of men and angels and erect them in and on and around the house of God. Such is an open show of rebellion and lawlessness from a Church that claims authority and law to be the foundations of their doctrine.
Nice try fellas, but you aint yet hooked this faithful servant and you wont. The crime is that I really want to believe in the LDS Church and I really do believe that many of them are my brethren and fellow servants of the Most High. I am heart broken. It is sad all around, from the Head to the toe, Priesthood to Missionary, to Church goer, to investigator, everyone is betrayed by a few men who have exalted themselves in the Church's Hallow Halls and History as if they were more important than its Head and God.
A lot of it seems like the work of sons of God trying to work around or somehow oust the Saviour from the picture...Not in the Book of Mormon itself, but in the D&C and books of Moses and Abraham and the Joseph Smith Translations, which if he could explain what he meant would be legitimate, but because of the Church's misunderstanding of the entire Book of Mormon, has been turned into something it never was intended by Christ or Joseph Smith.
The Spirit tells me it's influenced by Pharaoh's rule and Cain's brethren, and The Spirit cannot lie.
2Nephi 3:1
AND now I speak unto you, Joseph, my last-born. Thou wast born in the wilderness of mine afflictions; yea, in the days of my greatest sorrow did thy mother bear thee.
Isa 9:15 The ancient and honourable(Christ or Adam), he [is] the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he [is] the tail.(Joseph)
Does Jesus deem Joseph worthy even though he would lie? Joseph redeems himself through the patient work of translating of the Book of Mormon.
I do not think Joseph is the Comforter. Yet he is so fruitful and loyal when he can be! Jesus must have loved him.
But was Joseph Smith actually a criminal who ended his life in jail for his crimes against his family and brethren? Then in a completely different "reality" ala "resurrection," went through the same life using Christ's Work and created a new end to his former life? Something like this happened, and the Spirit testifies to its Truth.
But those who believe Joseph Smith to be a Prophet believe in The False Prophet.
Oy, what a maze....
But Joseph Smith is not nor do I think he ever claimed to be a Prophet. He certainly tried to be and was a very successful Shepherd of some of God's flock.
Nor are any of the Presidents or Priests, etc., of the LDS Church , "prophets." Prophets are men in the Scriptures, not latter-day servants to the Truth. They may be faithful servants to the Truth, but virtually anyone can have a prophetic moment. God uses His Enemies to bring out His Truth in the world.
It's a Comedy of Errors as the Catholics have been fighting the Mormons for ages in one way and form or another, each House vying for the right to misrepresent the Christ. Other denoms really don't stand a chance alone but together as part of a Puritan Reformation could form the Remnant that will correct and form the Bridge whereby the Catholics and the Mormons will find what they need to make peace both with one another and with God and join the actual and effectual Spiritual Body of Christ. (Isa 58:12 And [they that shall be] of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.)
No one has a monopoly on God's Truth nor can anyone claim Priesthood Authority in the Latter-days, unless Christ grants it. Christ never lost His Authority and never took it away from the original twelve and their death did not grant someone, anyone else the right to claim It, but many have to their condemnation.
No one who wants to serve Christ should do so with a heart that wants any acknowledgment for the work done, nor seek glory for himself. Jesus Christ shunned all glory and did not want anyone even telling someone else that he had healed them or restored their being.
The only times he stepped out and said who he was was when confronting the Church and its false dealings with the world...Nothing has changed, the Churches are still the same...
Joseph Smith was/is a Translator of the REAL Prophets of the Book of Mormon who prophesied, anciently of the future/present day Americas, just as the Prophets of the Bible-Old Testament prophesied of Jerusalem and latter-day America and the World, unlike the modern day self-proclaimed "prophets," "scribes" and "pharisees" of the LDS and various other denominations around the globe....For the Prophets of the Book of Mormon truly speak of Jesus in the Spirit, and the Spirit as I said, cannot lie. Church workers, priests and your Mom and Dad can and do lie, but the Spirit of God does not lie and never will, for It is Holy.
The LDS Church (unwittingly?) leads some astray by making a pact with Death and a modern day Pharaoh, which is why order is so almighty important to the Church, but it's the order of a worldly Pharaoh's reign not Christ and God's Holy Order for His Creation and Church within Creation. Pharoah's Order is exemplary and exceedingly praiseworthy because it keeps order in a house that is in constant rebellion and therefore may be why God will choose the LDS Church just as He allows America to police the world...for the heart of the righteous American is not an abomination before God, and He will restore this Nation if She is willing.
Da Problem.
As Prophesied in the Bible(Hsa 4:17 Ephraim [is] joined to idols: let him alone.) Joseph joins with Pharoah and various other idols in the latter-days, probably in a wise move of self preservation and to strengthen what remains, but there is a wiser Way which they are ignoring or too proud to walk in. Because of the Church many feel as if they were betrayed by God, I assume and are unwilling or unable to serve now because of the fact that the Church became a snare rather than a Way. In the end, it is everyone's own fault,for refusing to really come to Christ. the Whore is a hard one to extract yourself from once you've been ensnared. She's unforgiving, spiteful and completely insane, but shares a desperate sort of parasitic love with all of creation.
The worst idol Joseph affirms is money, for you cannot serve God and money unless God actually manufactures the coins, and I've never seen it actually rain pennies from Heaven, though it has rains Manna.
I don't know of a legitimate monetary source on earth today since the States have openly considered removing "In God We Trust" from it's bills and coins, and brought Our Allegiance into question, and all other forms of money in the world are but bastard children of the English Pound and American Dollar. Even considering this is an open handed slap in the face to God. Of course He'll turn the other cheek. No money on earth features a Godly image, and I seem to remember one of a servant upon his knees with something in his hands showing reverence and obeisance for the Almighty during King Solomon's Reign but no other...and at any rate Exodus clearly states we are to have no graven images...nor are we to put our trust in riches, be they paper or gold. Recall that with all the Gold Solomon used to create a House of Worship for God it would still not suit Him, for the Heavens themselves were not magnificent enough for God to dwell in. (1Ki 8:27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?) I would think there has not been a legitimate coin produce under heaven since the days of King Solomon, and as a show of our nation's change of heart and will, we ought to abolish all forms of money and bring back and implement that coin in our otherwise filthy hands, made filthy by the handling of our filthy lucre...(1Pe 5:2-4) Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight [thereof], not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over [God's] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
It might be wisdom to use that image on our coins and dollars marked for differing values only, as a reminder everyday what our wages are for and why we earn them.
Thus it will no longer be "All about the Benjamins...,"nor "All About Eve." But All For and About God andOur Relationship with Him.
It would be a good way for America to start afresh, ending the tyranny of a bankrupt nation and instantly legitimizing a nation of tired, confused and angry slaves to the most oppressive master imaginable, and the beginning of a road and Way made open to Her people for rest and healing that will eventually lead us to salvation in Christ, starting anew in a brave new world and nation.
Otherwise, it's a case of as I said before, men who have made a pact with Death setting themselves up all over the world as many "Caesars" and "little caesars" and as the government grows increasingly, boldly, and steadily more corrupt and corrupting and more and more unruly as a Beast, straying further and further away from the firm foundation of a Faith in One LORD, Way and Life in Jesus Christ, we'll all be part of nothing more than a vast corrupt web of lies and thuggish justice where no man will possess the rights proffered in this country's Constitution or Bill of Rights unless he whores his will and buys his neighbors rights to freedom, never during the nation's slavery days were any subject to the kind of horrors and injustice that await this nation's next generation if we do not change our ways and quickly and in earnest.
Governing people really depends upon the people's willingness to be governed. So that, if the government permits people to break the Law of God, eventually there will be no one willing to be governed.
I'm sorry, Mr. Reagan, as kind hearted as a man as you could be and knowing you repented of your sins, "voodoo economics" really is akin to witchcraft, and open idolatry and is a lie and was a lawless bit of statesmanship, which does not lead to a "kinder, gentler nation" Daddy Bush, but a land of mean streets, ruled by terrorists within and without that no amount of Curious George Junior posturing, redirection of interest and rhetoric will deliver us from. Clinton did a better job of hiding his lawlessness than Bush and maybe it's because Bush doesn't want to be lawless and this nation is just too much for one administration to hope to fix.
Still one of the most brilliant governments under heaven, but with no real devotion to God is doomed to failure.
And of course, since the dawn of statesmanship and government that has been what they are about, the wicked policing the wicked. But the nation's military and policing forces orders must come from Saints, and not rich men with divided interests. For the Just who are led by Faith must not become guilty of a greater sin than that which they wisely permit the enemies of God to commit.
And I've said enough for one day..I must rest my brain...Thank you for putting up with me...I really do love all.
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