I asked folks if the were any believers at greatestjournal, and I'm glad to find there are a few...but two put up quite a stink about it tho...They inspired me to answer with the following revelation:
"That doesn't make any sense. Christians haven't manifested an idea of God, God has mainfested Christians.
The Way is "straight and narrow" that leads to Life. Few find it.
Yet, those who do are the only ones with the ability to think for themselves, for they are truly Free, made so by their relationship with God. Those who go the way of the world are blind and without freewill, they are slaves to sin. Your will and mind cannot be free when you are a slave to sin.
The nice lady next door is your neighbor, perhaps you ought to go over and introduce yourself and offer to be her friend.
Killing is not a religion I have much knowledge of. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27)
That doesn't sound like a religion for murderers. Perhaps when it is mixed with state and politics, and particularly, sin, it becomes one?
Hope is not an emotion, and godly people do not tend to be emotional. Emotions are vain and frequently untrue, which is probably why Eve was so quick to be led astray by the devil's entreaty...Christians have affectations of God, like Hope, Faith and Charity which never lead to cold and uncaring individuals but groups of successful truly worthy gods who keep all ships afloat no matter how unworthy and ungrateful they are for them.
The sinful, on the other hand become cold and uncaring as a matter of course and cannot see, nor comprehend the whole of mankind. They become egotistcal knowitalls who imagine they are lofty and can grasp such concepts as the "Universe as a whole." One will go a lot further for people of all kinds by being concerned with self, for it is yourself who acts and does everyday, not the universe as a whole. The universe as a whole is cold and uncaring or seems so, to one imagining he understands it all or that someday he will. How vain and egomaniacal!
Lastly, "holds back society"?!! If it were not for the patient endurance of a few Saints, willing to be left behind for the good of the whole, following Jesus' example, there would and could be no such thing as society or advancement in any area of life that is not meaninglessand cruel. Faith and reliance upon the Father to provide is what has reaped every good gift that society has garnered throughout the ages and continues to reap even though we've beccome so bloody sure of ourselves, surging forward in sin, negating the gifts as quick as we realize them.
And here is why.
Jer 31:37 Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.
We're not here to advance or succeed apart from God and as a matter of fact, such is impossible. And it is those who think we can that "hold us back."
Jhn 15:5 I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
And if you'll think about it, there really is no place we are going, we are here to learn to live together, failing that, there is no use in all the technology and progress we might achieve in all the "whole universe." Without godliness and purity and nobility and the "mystery of the gospel."
And this Faith is the 'Whole Universe',"expanding in society like the grain of a mustard seed; working toward the pervasion of society like the leaven in a lump." (Marvin R Vincent)
Think about it, God creates a perfect Paradise for those He made in His Image and then tells them "Here, it's yours, have fun, only avoid that tree there because it's fruit is no good and when and if you eat of it, you'll die, and I love you and this Creation enough to warn you now." He not only gives them everything He has created, He gives them Life and His Attributes, so that He is sure they will make the right choice, because His Spirit dwells in them and He never errs. For there is no darkness in God, only Light. The Warning is a supreme act of love only surpassed by the Final Atonement of Himself for all of Creation, saving all from the affects of the fall of Adam and Eve and in the end defeating Death Eternally, asking no more of His then that they rely upon Faith in Him.
He sets two images of Himself in Paradise and gives them everything in it! As well as something to do so that they'll enjoy their new residence to the utmost.
Now, what happens? Satan, the enemy, opposition and accuser of all Creation Fools Eve who in turn leads Adam to believe the mistake is not what it is, and Adam out of blindness, makes the same mistake, and both fall.
Imagine how God must have felt when they betrayed Him! After all His Work and Care and the Warning, surely they would not have gone astray. Surely His Spirit would enable them and they would not fall into temptation.
God is as Pure as He wishes them to remain. God is not some being with dark and light attributes. He is all Light and this is made obvious by the fact that He is completely dumbfounded when He learns of their tresspass. And that is why, though it were a single sin, they were cast out of the Garden only to be redeemed by the ultimate sacrifice~God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ.
1Cr 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. "
Then at another site...
Some guy whose username on this Christian site was "Huntsman" was trying to convince me that being gay is a genetic issue that can't be helped...The Spirit moved me to respond thusly:
Horsedung, it's not okay and it makes you a liar.
Rev 22:15 For without [are] dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
I can fully understand why one who "Huntsman" would want homosexuals to feel okay in their abomination, for they become easy prey...
That's Cain's Way.
Homosexuals have been using everything but the plain truth since day one to excuse themselves of this abomination. It starts in childhood, and usually because of mothers and fathers who lead their children into "private" sinful lusts of the flesh and initiate them at a very young age into beastial abominations within their households, these families become in time national leaders with political powers, etc. and that is why society is quicker to become tolerant of gays than intolerant of them, becoming instead a Christian Nation. The Powers that be are corrupt and want homosexual rights and priviledges.
Lusting even after a wife is a sin and fornication is always a base act that is beneath our Heavenly nature.
Consider the 144,000 sealed. These are "gods." And there is nothing the world fears more than that these should be raised fully aware of their stature and true nature. The world would rather have them believe in homosexuality, and that theirinnocence was "queer." Because they would obviously be as fair as women and not meatheaded neanderthals and bitches that make most american males what they are-abominations.
Rev 14:4-5 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
I'm totally annoyed with the amount of cowardice and idiocy in my world today...I've had enough of y'all. I'm goin' ta bed. Good night.
See yas tmrw. Dream well, my brethren, sleep on edge mine enemies...and all those who oppose themselves...
Praying hard tonight for all before I lay my ass down to rest.
This entry and the following few are just entries I had over at greatestjournal, that I'm transferring to this one as well...They're beginning to hide over there as well. I mean, they know who I am and have taken steps toward keeping people from investigating their site and finding my journal...
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